Leadership is NOT Rocket Science: How Technical Experts Can Overcome Self-Doubt to Become Influential Leaders

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Learning Event: Webinar
Original air date: 16 July 2020
Duration: 1 hour
Contact Hours: 1
Valid for ASNT Level III recertification: Yes

  • Members: Free!
  • Nonmembers: $79

Impostor Syndrome is the single most significant roadblock to you reaching your greatest potential. This secret self-doubt causes talented people to second-guess their abilities and live with overwhelming anxiety and feelings of isolation. Even while performing exceptionally well, you fear your success is undeserved and will evaporate with the slightest slip-up.

There’s a way out from this fear. By changing your thinking with the “Fraud-Free Framework” process, you can begin to enjoy your success, be proud of your abilities, enhance your creativity, and experience a new level of influence. You’ll feel great about being great!

By the end of this webinar, participants will:

  • Understand the causes and symptoms of the Impostor Syndrome.
  • Learn the 3 steps to turn your thoughts from pitiful to powerful.
  • Explore how connecting with peers can diffuse your fraud feelings.
  • Learn a simple (but often overlooked) technique that will instantly match your confidence to your competence so you can unleash your influence.

Speaker: Maureen Zappala
Maureen Zappala, a former NASA propulsion engineer (aka “rocket scientist”), is founder of High Altitude Strategies. She works with high-performers to overcome “Impostor Syndrome,” the secret self-doubt that says “Everyone thinks I’m smarter than I am!” At NASA, she became the youngest and first female manager of the Propulsion Systems Laboratory. She also placed in the top 10 of 30,000 contestants in the 2009 Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking. She’s authored 4 books, including “Great Speakers are Not Born. They’re Built” and “Pushing Your Envelope: How Smart People Defeat Self-Doubt and Live with Bold Enthusiasm.” Maureen lives in Las Vegas.

Questions? Contact the Education Department at education@asnt.org