Learning Event: Webinar
Original air date: 20 August 2020
Duration: 1 hour
Contact Hours: 1
Valid for ASNT Level III recertification: Yes
- Members: Free!
- Nonmembers: $79
The environment business leaders operate within can be described by the military term VUCA – volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. The year 2020 has only heightened leaders’ awareness of the tenuous nature of the interdependent web on which their success relies. Organizations are also vulnerable to the blind spots of their leaders—it is easy for a leader to under or over-value specific dimensions of leadership and management. In this webinar, we will explore some fundamental practices leadership teams can implement to increase resilience in dynamic environments.
Speaker: Troy Schrock
Troy Schrock is a business advisor who has spent the last two decades working with CEOs and their leadership teams to foster stronger, more cohesive and adaptable teams that think clearly about the future of the organization and execute more effectively toward achieving their envisioned future.
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