Road Map to Becoming a Level III and Beyond: An NDT Insider's Perspective
Learning Event: Webinar
Original air date: 11 April 2023
Duration: 1 hour
Contact Hours: 1
Valid for ASNT Level III recertification: Yes
- Member: Free
- Nonmember/Associate: $79
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The Level III is considered the pinnacle of an NDT career, and rightly so, given the education, experience, and examinations that it takes to get there. Yet many NDT careerists may overlook some of the options and opportunities that become available as they prepare to move beyond their Level II. The goal of this presentation is to give the listener a road map or at least a better understanding of what else is out there beyond just the five common methods of NDT we all know about. Overall, an insider’s perspective is provided on some of the pitfalls, obstacles, and tangents that may sidetrack the individual on the road to a Level III.
By the end of the webinar, participants will:
- Cite the basic OJT and education requirements for SNT-TC-1A Level I and II
- Identify other types of certifications attainable after achieving Level II status.
- Explain the process of obtaining various ASNT NDT Level IIIs.
- Compare API, NACE/AMP, and NAS-410 certifications.
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